Community Liaison Group Minutes

Community Liaison Group Minutes, June 2021

This meeting was held on Zoom.


Non Members:

Witten updates from Renewi,BDR,the CELO and Stratiji had been circulated before hand. Brief summaries were given at the meeting and CLG members had the opportunity to ask questions .The meeting was initially Chaired by the BDR Contact Manager, but because of technical difficulties,CELO took over.

1. Welcome and message from the chairman

 The Chair used his message to regretfully announce his resignation as chair and from the group due to ill health.Members and the BDR and Renewi teams wanted to place on record their good wishes for a speedy recovery and their appreciation of his work as chair.

Action: Stratiji to convey this to chair.

2. Election of a new chair

Stratiji aked for nominations to take over the position of chair.

Action:Stratiji to email all CLG members to ask for nominations.

3. Notes from the last "Virtual" meeting

The minutes from the meeting on the 3rd March 2021 were approved as a true record.

4. Issues arising

There were no issues arising.

5. Renewi BDR Ltd update.

The Renewi Contract Director summarised his written report including details of the new operating company following the sale of the Ferrybridge facilities at the end of 2020. A CLG member asked if the terms and conditions of the Renewi contract remained the same and it was confirmed that they do. There had been no complaints about flies since September last year and internal fly counts were very low. A CLG member asked if the Manvers facility was adopting best practice from other sites. The Contract Director said Manvers was ahead of other facilities. New fly treatments being trialled at Manvers were being closely monitored and could be adopted as best practice by other similar sites.

Action: Renewi Contract Director to give a further update on flies at the CLG’s September meeting.

6. BDR update.

The BDR Contract Officer summarised his written report. From 17th May, HWRCs were operating normally apart from staff still not being able to help people on site, but it was hoped this would be relaxed from 21st June. A CLG member asked when the contract for HWRCs was up for renewal and suggested this would be an opportunity to standardise the way they were run across the BDR authorities and help reduce fly tipping. At the moment each council only allows its own residents on site and Barnsley runs a residents’ permit system. The BDR Contract Officer reported that there had been a two-year extension to existing contracts with each local authority, but for the following contract standardisation was being looked at as well as other options to improve the service.

7. CELO update.

The CELO summarised her written report and gave an update on delivery of the 2021/22 action plan. Pro-active reduce, re-use and recycle campaigns included home composting (with a competition for prizes), Love Food Hate Waste (coming up in June), re-usable water bottles and re-using in the garden. The campaigns were being delivered via social media, press releases and blogs, working closely with the local authorities.

8. Communications update

Stratiji summarised her written report about communication activities over the last three months. This included help for the South Yorkshire Waste Board to publicise attacks on HWRC staff by members of the public and an appeal for this to stop. A number of pro-active press releases about reduce, re-use and recycle had been produced resulting in publicity in local media and generating radio interviews.

9. Any other business

A CLG member queried why Doncaster Council did not replace wheels and tyres on wheelie bins, instead householders had to buy a new bin which was expensive and not environmentally friendly. The CELO said she had ordered wheels for all three authorities over the years.

Action: CELO to clarify and let the CLG member know the outcome.

10. Date, time and venue of the next meeting 

The next meeting would be on Wednesday 1st September, time to be confirmed.