Community Liaison Group Minutes

Community Liaison Group Minutes, September 2021

The meeting was held via Zoom

Apologies were received. Written updates from Renewi, BDR, the CELO and Stratiji had been circulated beforehand. Brief summaries and further updates were given at the meeting and CLG members had the opportunity to ask questions.

1. Welcome and introductions

The chair said she was in the role temporarily until CLG membership was boosted and a new chair could be elected from the membership. A recruitment campaign was about to be launched and members were asked to spread the word amongst anyone who might be interested in joining.

2. Notes from the last ‘virtual’ meeting on 2nd June

These were agreed as a true record.

3. Issues arising

A CLG member noted the reference to flies and a visit to the facility by local MP and expressed surprise that it had not been mentioned in newsletters the MP had sent out to residents. Another CLG member said her issue with bins being replaced rather than repaired had been resolved, but with the delivery of two new bins. The CELO said she had raised the environmental impact of sending out new bins rather than repairing them with Doncaster Council and they were looking into it.

Action: CLG member to forward John Healey newsletters.

Action: Stratiji to forward to CLG members joint press release re flies issued by local MP following his visit to the facility.

4. Renewi BDR Ltd update

The Renewi BDR Contract Director said discussions had taken place with the new owners of Ferrybridge about the impact of their proposed shutdown dates for EF1. Renewi had agreed to increase tonnages during the January shutdown and the situation would be manageable. Following a fire at the Barnsley Transfer Station last year, most repairs had now been carried out. The only work still outstanding was the installation of a new improved fire detection and prevention system. This was due to be completed by the end of September. A new shredder was installed and had not led to an increase in sparking incidents as previously seen when the line 2 shredder was replaced. He updated the meeting on MP John Healey’s visit to the facility on 9th July after which John sent an email saying he was reassured by the changes to fly treatment processes. He had suggested a joint press release which resulted in some media publicity. The EA discounted complaints from beyond a certain distance from the facility and this year there had been no fly complaints which could be attributed to the facility. This follows new fly prevention and treatment measures introduced last year following recommendations by an independent specialist commissioned by the EA, which were proving so successful they were being adopted by other similar Renewi plants. The EA were now investigating other potential sources of flies in the Dearne Valley area. A CLG member said complaints about flies and odours were still being posted on Facebook, mainly from the Mexborough area, but these had declined in the past six weeks. A CLG member and Cllr Lamb praised the investment and work carried out by Renewi to solve the fly problem.

5. BDR update

The BDR Manager reported that the amount of waste generated had increased across the piece due to more people working from home and selfisolating. This had created collection challenges over all contracts, with social distancing regulations affecting the number of crew members allowed in a cab and restrictions at HWRCs. Brexit was now causing a shortage of HGV drivers which was affecting service delivery. Garden waste services in particular were affected but where possible teams were working longer hours and at weekends to clear the backlog. The recent Government consultation on the future of waste, resources, environment and waste prevention would result in some changes, probably in 2023/24. The Environment Bill was going through its third reading and Royal Assent was expected in October/November. In answer to questions from CLG members, the increase in waste generated because of more home working was less than the levels projected. There had been no significant increase in green waste disposed of in residual waste bins as a result of the service disruption. HWRCs had received more green waste. A CLG member asked if there was a maximum limit on the amount of waste placed in a bin. There was no specified weight limit, but it would be deemed too heavy to be lifted onto lorries if it was too heavy to tip.

6. CELO update

The CELO reported on the success of recent campaigns including home composting and Love Food Hate Waste, with thousands of social media impressions and hundreds of competition entries. There was still time to fill in a short survey about food waste with an opportunity to win a prize. Ten short videos on using leftovers commissioned from professional chef and LFHW expert Clover Hutson would be shown throughout the year, starting this month. In October the focus would be on clothing and the campaign will include a children’s competition to create a Halloween costume out of things they already own. Face-to-face workshops would begin soon, and five site tours were already booked in. The CELO’s current secondment to Barnsley Council would end in March and the assistant CELO would remain in post until then.

7. Stratiji update

Stratiji outlined a list of pro-active reduce, re-use and recycle press releases issued to local and regional print and broadcast media under the Reuse Revolution banner. The releases are supported by social media posts and are also posted on the BDR and local authority websites. Releases in the pipeline include national Recycle Week starting on 20th September, and a recruitment campaign to boost CLG membership. Members indicated they would welcome seeing the press releases when they went out.

Action: Stratiji to send future press releases, and the joint release with local MP to CLG members.

8. Any other business

A CLG member expressed disappointment that there was no designated elected member representation from the three councils at CLG meetings and he felt this demonstrated a lack of commitment to the group and its aims. Cllr Lamb was present as waste portfolio holder for Barnsley, and this was acknowledged.

Action: The BDR manager will raise this at the next Joint Waste Board.

9. Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday, 8th December at 6pm. It is hoped to hold it in the Visitor Centre at Manvers.

Action: Renewi BDR Contract Director to confirm whether the December meeting could be face to face at the Visitor Centre following a Covid health and safety review by Renewi.